Imagine... Did you know that Food Additives cause Hyperactivity?

His research included more than 3,000 different food additives and was based on more than 1,200 cases. He was completely ridiculed and studies where done just to disprove his statements. Nowadays it has been proven that about 50% of those who use the Feingold diet have a significant decrease in symptoms of hyperactivity.
The term “Food Additives” in the United States of America covers more than 5,000 added chemicals to food products such as for thickening, preserving, emulsifying, flavoring, coloring, bleaching, anti-caking,...
Amazingly the researchers who ridiculed his statements only focused on 10 food dyes while Feingold considered more than 3,000.
Even if they attempted to disprove Feingold`s hypothesis, it has been clearly proven that food additives play a major role in the hyperactivity of children.
Since it has been known that most of the studies against Feingold`s Hypothesis are invalid as cause of the inadequate guidelines they used, the United Stated Institutes of Health Consensus Conference on Defined Diets and Childhood Hyperactivity reopened the doors of reconsideration for the veracity of Feingold`s Diet.
An example is C. Keith Connors, the most hard refuter of Feingold`s Hypothesis and author of "Food Additives and Hyperactive Children”.
Rippere and Schauss are those who criticized Connors by making some studies upon the link between Hyperactivity in Children and Food Additives.
Connors used to use non appropriate control substances as the placebo in his studies on reactions to food in hyperkinetics such as chocolate chip cookies. In further studies on chocolate they've noticed that sometimes it produced 59% of reaction and other times 33%.
The FDA data was way over the doses mentioned in an average daily basis in Connors studies. A daily dose of 150mg of mixed food dyes is the average of most children between 5 and 12. Connors didn't even use the real amount of intake by children as he used a dose of 26mg a day in his studies.
Now the main reason why Feingold`s Hypothesis was rejected is that if Feingold`s Hypothesis comes worldly known and accepted, their will exist a real pressure upon the food industry as they will have to make costly changes in food processing.
General Foods, Nabisco, Coca Cola and many others are those who support the Nutrition Foundation so from where do you think the pressure comes to keep silent Feingold`s statements?
All those giant manufacturers will do anything to keep researchers as Feingold mouths shut even if it has a costly price!
After all... We and our children are suffering of these harmful Artificial Food Additives!
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