12 Appetizers
- 3 tablespoons (45 ml) butter, melted
- 1 tablespoon (5 ml) parsley, chopped
- 36 spinach leaves, stalks removed
In a microwave-safe dish, combine escargots, butter, garlic, parsley and pepper. Cook 1 minute, on HIGH. Let stand 2 minutes. Meanhwhile, in a saucepan filled with lightly-salted boiling water, blanch spinach leaves 30 seconds. Remove spinach. Immerse in a bowl of ice-cold water. Drain well and pat dry. Wrap each escargot in a spinach leaf. Thread onto long toothpicks or small wooden skewers, 3 escargots per kabob. Cook in microwave oven 45 seconds, on HIGH. Let it stand 1 minute and you`re ready to serve!