Cooking Recipe: Fennel Soup!
- ½ cup (125 ml) onions
- 1 cup (250 ml) carrots
- 1 cup (250 ml) fennel bulb
- 2 potatoes, peeled
- ¼ cup (60 ml ) butter
- 4 cups (1 L) chicken or beef broth
- salt and pepper
- milk
- 2 tablespoons (30 ml) chives, chopped
Welcome on my Cooking Recipes Blog! My intention is to share with you`ll some free online cooking recipes from cooking schools, maybe a cook book or perhaps some cooking shows. We all know the stereotype and daily question:"What`s for Dinner?" STOP Sweetheart! Don`t bother but SURPRISE and Spoil your Partner by learning new Cooking Recipes every day and add some SPICES in your life...
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In some regions people contained there regional specialities but most of them became famous and enjoyed all over the world. In their own region of origin you can mainly find their speciality with more quality of preparation and ingredients, even if you can find them throughout France. In each region they have also their typical way of choosing the ingredients and cooking their meals. For example Tomatoes, different kinds of herbs and Olive oil are a must in the Cuisine in Provence.
Here are a couple main influences of regional cooking:
Economic conditions and history: The economic conditions, lifestyle and the culture of course have formed the local food traditions in different areas. Firm cheeses are found in the mountain regions since that over difficult and long winters they can be preserved. In the history when we speak about economy, we ind that in some limited areas this firm cheeses are also the main means of support for a lot of homes since they can be produced in the mountains for the livestock. Over several centuries the economic prosperity of the region of Burgundy was great due to their excellence in raising cattle and that also helped them to provide their rich cream sauces and meat dishes.
Local availability: Fresh local ingredients that are not transported for long distances are of better quality and are the basics of the best food and of course the French nation of gourmets knows that. For example, the community of areas where herbs and fruit grow easily will use them in their local cuisine. Likewise, inland areas don`t really use a lot of sea fish but on the contrary Northwest coastal places of France like Normandy and Brittany offer a typical way of eating sea fish meals.
Immigration and neighbouring countries: The neighbours cuisine is formally incorporated in areas of France which border onto other countries. Near to the Italian border for example it will not be surprising to find Italian dishes. Because of immigration, the North African people residing in the South of France are letting enjoy the French people of their original African dishes. And also after various wars the border of Germany has been moved back in the area of Alsace but until now you find the German « Sauerkraut » and wine that became very popular in that kind of areas.
You will find in all parts of France, both in homes and in restaurants, a great range of dishes far extending beyond the regional specialities. However you will always remark the local influences in terms of cooking and ingredients. Local recipes and ingredients seem to be the best cooking and the most available in its own region. Therefore, the types of food one desires to enjoy is a great consequence of the choice where to visit or live in France.
These are a couple of examples:Fresh water fish is consumed in the inland areas, like in the Loire Valley, while sea food is preferred in the Mediterranean and near the Atlantic coast.
The hot climate throughout the south, favorites the use of fruit and vegetables.
The « sauerkraut » and beer have been influenced in the northeast of France, like in Lorraine and Alsace, by the German.
Apples, crème fraiche (soured cream) and butter are used in the cuisine of northwest France.
Tomatoes, herbs and olive oil are mainly used by the French Mediterranean.
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Everaert Patrice
5:54 PM
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12:28 PM
Soups may be served in the summer or winter. In fact, all of the cream soups found in this section can be served cold. "Leek Soup" is a good example of this versatility.
Soups are ideal to use up leftover meat, noodles, rice, and cooked vegetables. They are easy to freeze and can be prepared in advance.
To reduce the "Sodium" and "Fat" content in soups, use home-made stock that you have defatted!
Stay Tuned to see What Kind Of Soup Recipes I`m Offerring In The Next Days!
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1:50 AM
The diversity of French Cuisine is so extreme that only Chinese have kinds of their foods that are similar to the French ones. They have to thank this variety to the amazing history of France, the different climates and geographies that are the base of their local production that brings so much kinds of ingredients and of course last but not least the well known French Passion for excuisite Foods. In all its forms, if you want to understand France or its inhabitants you have to understand the culture of its food!
Their dinners can variate from very basic meals like the traditional baguette with cheese and cheap wine until extraordinary « Gourmet festivities » like their `Jet Set` meals which mostly contain Caviar and a lot of different wines which cost enormous amounts. Of course this `Jet Set` meals are only reserved to exceptional V.I.P`s.
This kind of sophisticated meals are normally found in the typical French restaurants like in other Europe countries or in The United States of America which mainly misguides the foreigner by making them think that the French Cuisine is complicated and very heavy! In fact, the basic French Cuisine is extremely simple and mostly relying on their local production of fresh ingredients like cheeses, vegetables, wines, and many others,...
Commonly in the South of France the stores and such close at lunch time because most of the people return to their homes to take a two our brake with their families. To provide them enough time to go out to lunch they usually reopen the businesses around 2 P.M. And stay open until 7 P.M. This is more particular in the villages and smaller towns in the South of France.
Wine and cheese are the most common accompaniments to a French dinner aside bread and water. In other countries wine is reserved for special occasions and is very expensive but in France it is a standard way of eating to have some wine with their everyday meal. In their culture they really appreciate to match the kind of wine with the style of food even if it stays an ordinary meal.
Often they serve a « Cheese Plateau » that contains three or four kinds of cheeses before the dessert to appreciate the local cheese. Typically they provide at the same tine some sliced baguette or another kind of bread.
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His research included more than 3,000 different food additives and was based on more than 1,200 cases. He was completely ridiculed and studies where done just to disprove his statements. Nowadays it has been proven that about 50% of those who use the Feingold diet have a significant decrease in symptoms of hyperactivity.
The term “Food Additives” in the United States of America covers more than 5,000 added chemicals to food products such as for thickening, preserving, emulsifying, flavoring, coloring, bleaching, anti-caking,...
Amazingly the researchers who ridiculed his statements only focused on 10 food dyes while Feingold considered more than 3,000.
Even if they attempted to disprove Feingold`s hypothesis, it has been clearly proven that food additives play a major role in the hyperactivity of children.
Since it has been known that most of the studies against Feingold`s Hypothesis are invalid as cause of the inadequate guidelines they used, the United Stated Institutes of Health Consensus Conference on Defined Diets and Childhood Hyperactivity reopened the doors of reconsideration for the veracity of Feingold`s Diet.
An example is C. Keith Connors, the most hard refuter of Feingold`s Hypothesis and author of "Food Additives and Hyperactive Children”.
Rippere and Schauss are those who criticized Connors by making some studies upon the link between Hyperactivity in Children and Food Additives.
Connors used to use non appropriate control substances as the placebo in his studies on reactions to food in hyperkinetics such as chocolate chip cookies. In further studies on chocolate they've noticed that sometimes it produced 59% of reaction and other times 33%.
The FDA data was way over the doses mentioned in an average daily basis in Connors studies. A daily dose of 150mg of mixed food dyes is the average of most children between 5 and 12. Connors didn't even use the real amount of intake by children as he used a dose of 26mg a day in his studies.
Now the main reason why Feingold`s Hypothesis was rejected is that if Feingold`s Hypothesis comes worldly known and accepted, their will exist a real pressure upon the food industry as they will have to make costly changes in food processing.
General Foods, Nabisco, Coca Cola and many others are those who support the Nutrition Foundation so from where do you think the pressure comes to keep silent Feingold`s statements?
All those giant manufacturers will do anything to keep researchers as Feingold mouths shut even if it has a costly price!
After all... We and our children are suffering of these harmful Artificial Food Additives!
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Everaert Patrice
12:35 PM
With a little imagination, it is possible to improve our nutrition and to vary our daily menus. To feel physically fit and obtain the necessary nutrition for good health, variety is the secret to a balanced diet. We should consume nutrients of every group of the Healthy Food Pyramid each day:
Our philosophy is that the pleasure of eating well does not have to be complicated!
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6:48 PM
Well, no longer. Cooking Recipes Online by Everaert Patrice comes to the rescue! From appetizers to desserts your meals will be proclaimed wonderful with each new creative day. Never again will the question be asked or answered in a fretful manner but rather it will be put forth with great anticipation and longing for the next culinary adventure that awaits the inquisitor.
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